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blackmail scam
May 17th, 18
Better to obey

Good day.

Dont pay attention on my English, Im from China.I installed our virus onto your system.Then I stole all privy background from your device. Withal I obtained a little bit more then just data.The most entertaining evidence that I stole- its a record with your masturbation.I adjusted malware on a porn site and after you loaded it. When you selected the video and pressed play button, my deleterious soft at once set up on your system.

After adjusting, your camera made the videotape with you masturbating, moreover it captured the porn video you chose. In next few days my deleterious soft grabbed all your social media and work contacts.

If you desire to eliminate the records- pay me 560 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Btc wallet address - 12UCMcAseQK2syjQWRpnbc8tUtzxzZG9kS

You have 24 hours from this moment. As soon as I get transfer I will destroy the compromising evermore. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
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Attempted Blackmail scam watching Porn on My Online Security | A slightly less common scam this morning with this Blackmail, Sextortion Scam attempt.
United States
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