Jan 4th, 25
Bitcoin Balance
0.00000000• $0.00
Your time is almost up
Jan 4th, 25
Hello ?ear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ?ou don’t need to panic an? have to read m? message carefull?.
It is really important, moreover, it’s crucial for ?ou.
Joking aside, I mean it. you don’t know ?ho I am but I am more than familiar ?ith you.
Probabl?, now the onl? question that torments ?our min? is ho?, am I correct?
?ell, ?our internet behavior ?as ?er? indiscreet and I’m prett? sure, ?ou know it ?ell. So ?o I.
?ou ?ere bro?sing embarrassing vi?eos, clicking unsafe links and ?isiting ?ebsites that no or?inar? man would ?isit.
I secretly embedded mal?are into an adult site, and ?ou unknowingly ?andered right into it. Just like a blind kitten,
?ou ?idn’t kno? the danger that was just near you.
while ?ou ?ere bus? ?ith ?our suspicious Internet acti?ity, ?our system was breached b? Remote Desktop Protocol, granting me unrestricted access to ?our ?e?ice.
From that moment, I recei?ed the ability to obser?e ever?thing happening on your screen, and ?iscreetl? acti?ate ?our camera and microphone, and you ?ouldn’t e?en realize it.
Thank you, I kno?, I am a smart guy.
Since then and until now I ha?e been monitoring ?our internet acti?ities.
Honestl?, I ?as pretty upset ?ith the things I saw.
I ?as daring to del?e far beyond into your digital footprint—call it excessi?e curiosit?, if you ?ill.
The result? An extensi?e stash of sensitive data extracted from your device, e?ery corner of ?our ?eb activity examined ?ith scientific precision.
To make matters more... intriguing, I’ve sa?e? these recordings—clips that capture you partaking in, let’s sa?, prett? controversial moments ?ithin the privac? of ?our home.
These ?i?eos and snapshots are damningly clear: one side re?eals the content ?ou ?ere ?atching, and the other...
?ell, it features you in situations ?e both know ?ou ?oul?n’t ?ant to be publishe? for public ?ie?ing.
Suffice it to sa?, I ha?e all the pieces of the puzzle—images, recordings, and ?etails of the far too ?ivid pictures.
Pictures you ?efinitel? ?ouldn’t ?ant an?one else to see.
Ho?e?er, ?ith just a single click, I could reveal this to e?er? contact ?ou ha?e—no exceptions, no filters.
Now ?ou are hoping for a rescue, I understan?. But let me be clear: don’t expect an? mercy or second chances from me.
No?, here’s the deal: I’m offering ?ou a ?ay out. T?o choices, and ?hat happens next depends entirel? on ?our ?ecision.
Option One: Preten? this message ?oesn’t exist. Ignore me, and ?ou’ll quickl? ?iscover the consequences of that choice.
The ?i?eo ?ill be shared with your entire net?ork. ?our colleagues, frien?s, and famil? will ha?e front-row seats to a spectacle ?ou’? rather the? ne?er saw.
Imagine their reactions. Holy shit, ?hat an embarrassment! well, actions have consequences. Don’t play the victim—this is on you.
Option T?o: Pa? me to keep this matter burie?.
Consider it a pri?acy fee—a small price to ensure ?our secrets remain ?here they belong: hid?en.
Here’s ho? it ?orks: once I receive the payment, I’ll erase e?erything. No leaks. No traces. ?our life continues as if nothing ever happened. The payment must be made in cr?ptocurrenc?—no exceptions.
I’m aiming for a resolution that ?orks for us both, but let me emphasize: m? terms are final and non-negotiable.
1270 USD to my Bitcoin ad?ress belo? (remove any spaces): 1AM1i YVVrX1CV P8ZAXpKv8 tmLgSBU PqNiZ
Email scam that says computer hacked and sextorsion content in order to pay a ransom
Jan 5th, 25
Your time is almost up
Jan 6th, 25
Makes impossible claims (I have no microphone or camera attached to my PC) and offers no actual proof. If they really had invaded my privacy to extent claimed you'd think they'd be able to include a sample.
Your time is almost up
Jan 6th, 25
Total scam; offers no proof after making impossible claims
Your time is almost up. - Sextortion
Jan 6th, 25
from dsasda@dssa.com and many other email addresses
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but you ?on’t nee? to panic and ha?e to rea? my message carefully.
It is reall? important, moreo?er, it’s crucial for you.
Joking aside, I mean it. you don’t kno? ?ho I am but I am more than familiar with ?ou.
Probabl?, no? the only question that torments ?our min? is ho?, am I correct?
well, your internet beha?ior was ?er? indiscreet and I’m prett? sure, ?ou kno? it ?ell. So do I.
?ou ?ere browsing embarrassing videos, clicking unsafe links and visiting websites that no ordinar? man ?ould ?isit.
I secretl? embedded malware into an adult site, and ?ou unknowingl? wandered right into it. Just like a blind kitten,
?ou didn’t know the ?anger that ?as just near ?ou.
?hile you ?ere busy ?ith your suspicious Internet acti?it?, ?our s?stem was breached b? Remote Desktop Protocol, granting me unrestricted access to your ?e?ice.
From that moment, I received the abilit? to observe e?erything happening on ?our screen, and ?iscreetl? acti?ate ?our camera and microphone, and you wouldn’t even realize it.
Thank ?ou, I know, I am a smart gu?.
Since then and until now I have been monitoring ?our internet acti?ities.
Honestl?, I ?as prett? upset with the things I saw.
I ?as daring to ?el?e far beyond into your digital footprint—call it excessi?e curiosit?, if you ?ill.
The result? An extensive stash of sensitive ?ata extracted from ?our device, e?ery corner of ?our ?eb activity examined with scientific precision.
To make matters more... intriguing, I’?e save? these recor?ings—clips that capture ?ou partaking in, let’s say, pretty contro?ersial moments within the privac? of ?our home.
These vi?eos and snapshots are damningl? clear: one si?e reveals the content ?ou were ?atching, and the other...
well, it features you in situations ?e both kno? ?ou woul?n’t ?ant to be published for public ?ie?ing.
Suffice it to say, I have all the pieces of the puzzle—images, recor?ings, and ?etails of the far too ?i?id pictures.
Pictures you ?efinitel? wouldn’t ?ant anyone else to see.
Ho?e?er, with just a single click, I could reveal this to every contact ?ou ha?e—no exceptions, no filters.
Now ?ou are hoping for a rescue, I understand. But let me be clear: don’t expect any merc? or second chances from me.
Now, here’s the deal: I’m offering ?ou a ?ay out. T?o choices, and ?hat happens next depends entirel? on ?our ?ecision.
Option One: Preten? this message ?oesn’t exist. Ignore me, and ?ou’ll quickl? ?isco?er the consequences of that choice.
The ?i?eo ?ill be shared ?ith your entire net?ork. ?our colleagues, frien?s, and famil? ?ill have front-ro? seats to a spectacle ?ou’? rather they never sa?.
Imagine their reactions. Holy shit, ?hat an embarrassment! well, actions ha?e consequences. Don’t play the ?ictim—this is on you.
Option T?o: Pay me to keep this matter burie?.
Consider it a pri?acy fee—a small price to ensure your secrets remain where they belong: hi?den.
Here’s how it ?orks: once I recei?e the payment, I’ll erase ever?thing. No leaks. No traces. ?our life continues as if nothing ever happene?. The payment must be made in cr?ptocurrenc?—no exceptions.
I’m aiming for a resolution that ?orks for us both, but let me emphasize: m? terms are final and non-negotiable.
1270 USD to my Bitcoin a?dress belo? (remo?e an? spaces): 1AM1i YVVrX1CV P8ZAXpKv8 tmLgSBU PqNiZ
Your time is almost up
Jan 7th, 25
From: philosophizingo65@citycatinter.com (prob spoofed)
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but you don’t need to panic and have to rea? my message carefull?.
It is really important, moreo?er, it’s crucial for you.
Joking asi?e, I mean it. you don’t kno? ?ho I am but I am more than familiar with ?ou.
Probabl?, no? the only question that torments ?our mind is ho?, am I correct?
?ell, ?our internet beha?ior was ?ery indiscreet and I’m prett? sure, you know it ?ell. So do I.
?ou were bro?sing embarrassing ?i?eos, clicking unsafe links and ?isiting websites that no or?inar? man would ?isit.
I secretl? embedded mal?are into an adult site, and you unknowingly wandered right into it. Just like a blind kitten,
you didn’t know the danger that was just near ?ou. .....
.... 1270 USD to my Bitcoin a??ress belo? (remove an? spaces): 1AM1i YVVrX1CV P8ZAXpKv8 tmLgSBU PqNiZ
as many time, this wallet should be blocked forever:
Email scam that says computer hacked and sextorsion content in order to pay a ransom
Jan 12th, 25