BTC Address
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  =  $0
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  =  $0
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Scam Name
Romance scam
May 15th, 23
This Account was created to scam me. The owner of this account impersonated a Military and was asking money for food and medications. This person stole me $12,000.and he also was laundering money for drugs, the deposit came to my Cash App then to this Account. I will be reporting him to FBI to investigate who is the real owner of this Account.
A person with the name of James William asked me to send money to this crypto wallet. This was a a Romance Scam.
This account is used to launder money used for drugs, the owner of this bitcoin account use romance scam victims to receive money in their Cash App accounts then is deposited to this account to be transferred to another large account that has been reported 40 times.
The owner of this bitcoin account still pictures of other people from fakebook to post on Dating Apps under a fake name then to scam victims asking money for food and medication, then he ask for large amount of money to come home. He has been reported to FBI.
The owner of this bitcoin account still pictures of other people from fakebook to post on Dating Apps under a fake name then to scam victims asking money for food and medication, then he ask for large amount of money to come home. He has been reported to FBI.
This person has done my life miserable by blackmailing me with my nude pictures, he ask for thousands of dollars if don't he will publish my pictures on all the social media.
This person impersonate other people, he still pictures from facebook to identify himself as a different person than his real name, then he start asking for money, he pretends to to be an US Navy personnel, but the Driver License is not real. He stole the pictures of another military.
The owner of this account is a criminal, he still pictures of American Military and use a fake name to scam women all over the world. FBI is already after him and a big group of people who deposit money in the victims bank account to launder money.
The person in the picture is inosent, the owner of this crypto wallet stole his pictures, he should be behind bars.
He is a typical black guy from Ghana.
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15 May 23