BTC Address
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QR Code
Scam Name
Bitcoin Investment
Nov 25th, 17
A Payment BTC sent on Thursday 23-11-2017 morning around 10.30 - 11 am.
0.005 BTC equivalent at that time of £305. Sent from my Bitcoin Wallet Address (from account).

Before investing I had a chat in support desk (chat window-Zendesk) with a named Thomas who did explain to me that it's not a scamm,
and that I get what is said in the website. So after having a chat with this person (virtual chat) I got confident that it's genuine,
also I've seen the Address in UK and this business registered with UK company house with Reference number etc...
so I was less skeptic, and I said I'll give it a try and see; so after giving BTC Address in the "Investment" page after chosing the 75% plan,
e.mail and created a password, I've re-directed to a page with a QR code and a Bitcoin Wallet Address to chose between to send my bitcoin.
I did send an amount of 0.05 BTC which is equivalent of £305 at that time.

I had a confirmation from coinbase Wallet that the payment has been completed,
but unfortunately for me the webpage at didn't move to the My Investment dashboard as it supposed to do.

Then I sent a message via contact us page, e.mail to sales because it say in their FQA that if anything happen about your investment just contact us
via support page or the window chat and we solve it for you. I did send a message, and try several time to make a chat, but no answer,
then I did start to worry and think that I've ben scammed. I deleted the cooquies, and sent a text via a chat window, finally I had aconversation
with named thomas and did explain to him that you did take my investment and I haven't received confirmation, and did show him my transaction
to their BTC address (screenshot copy) that has been completed and now needed explanation , so he did stop the chat, and refresh the webpage,
everything disappeared, their website is non existing I have word In Turkich (I used google translate) that says this website is suspended.

Now I understand that was a big fat scam, how many people have beed conned? I have all the dtails about this website,
their business address in London, certificate registration with company house etc... but I think it's just everything is fake.
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19 Dec 17