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  =  $0
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Scam Name
Dec 4th, 21
Hello dear,

My name is Philippe X, I live in chile. This story begins on September 26th, 2021, where I received a message from a certain young girl who told me her name is Anna, she is 27 years old, she is from Hong Kong. But she made me believe that she was with her family members in canada then recently she went here in chile for a number of stays. This contact was made through the hi5 dating site, then she asked me for my whatsapp, so we continue our conversation through this. Her whatsapp number is: +852 5442 4593

In our conversations we talked about everything but specifically about business since she had also asked me a lot of questions about this. Until she brought me back to the lead she wanted, which was an invitation to discover an investment platform hence its name is: JS INT and having the URL:

Since that day I have been insisting that they give me back all my money spent to pay taxes, late fees and the initial investment I had made. So far they refuse to return my money to me, despite telling them that I don't want their so-called profits. I give up with these profits because this platform is a real scam. When I ask them for the legal information of the company for example, names of the representatives, phisque address and telephone numbers, they never communicated these to me. The platform does not also have the conditions prior to investments, nor does it have a charter or internal regulations.

So, I come to you so that you can help me recover my funds and track down these scammers so as not to continue abusing peaceful people.

The girl was their pawn to come flirt, then distract and convince people including myself to carry out their scam.

*N.B: This is the wallet adress of the scam platform: