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Get your lost funds by paying an small fee to this wallet
Mar 18th, 24
Here is the bitcoin address


send receipt after payment


On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 10:51?AM wrote:
may i please have the bitcoin address ?
Fra: Online-Bank (Fund Relief)
Sendt: 18. marts 2024 18:26

Considering the previous mail,
We would like to thank you for your response regarding the promotion relief signed by the previous tax commission to pay you USD$10.5 million. It is sad to know that you did not acquire your license authorization to back up your approval charges, in case you think I was the one who requested the charges. No, it is your legal right to obtain insurance for the use of your new ATM CARD that will be delivered upon your return, I am a very simple man with proof in official documents that I have no fraudulent deception from anyone in my profile, just the good reputation of I work as a lawyer and I am grateful to God.

Your license approval is important to support the transaction with tax expense costs of $150, I really hope you can help yourself and pay the fee to the company bitcoin to print your authorization receipt and attach to your address, which makes you an important person and prestige to receive approval, pay $150 to apply copy permit of ownership to your package and you will receive the ATM CARD within 48 hours, don't let it seem too difficult that the insurance fee is becoming your biggest problem to resolve, I'm sorry to talk to you this way but you need this insurance to guarantee the authorization label for the transfer to your destination or bank account. Take trust very seriously.

Please send me the copy of the fee as soon as you pay to enable delivery within 48 hours to the address provided.

Mathew Emmanuel, lawyer,
Commonwealth-Bank Promotion@welfare, Annual Commission

Online-Bank (Fund Relief) ornanclintoncom:


CREDIT Transaction Notification

Dear recipient
Sir, Your check is in the mail, a refund relief promotion check signed by the previous tax commission to meet your bills in support of emergency situations , let me know if any specific information is need and, I will do my best to provide them to avoid transfer failures

Please respond with the airport closest to your address where you can receive your relief money to avoid reports of service disruptions that have caused people to be very cautious and clueless about faulty deliveries. This is your $10.5 million humanitarian assistance payment on a new ATM card. Now you can buy a new home for your retirement and confirm your shipping address again to avoid mistakes.


Mathew Emmanuel, lawyer,
Commonwealth-Bank Promotion@welfare, Annual Commission
Mar 24th, 24

This is a summary transaction that accrue in your account for release
Date/time: 23-03-2024 14:24:17
Account Number: XXXXXX9314
Amount: 410.75 (USD)
Credit/Debit: No-Debit
Current Balance: $10,5oo,ooo (USD)
Pending Debit: 410 .75 (USD)
Pending Credit: 0.00 (USD)
Available Balance: $ 10,5oo,ooo (USD)

The transaction is scheduled to meet up your bills for family education

You can now clear your debt and still buy a house or land for your retirement, it will be possible for me to release the first payment on a new ATM in a few hours. I just need my manager to sign some papers we have available to send the package that will help you reduce outstanding debts

The biggest problem you may have now is the package insurance bill of ownership which you haven't pay to cover all expenses without spending additional budget but If you can settle the half debt of $410, then ownership agreement can be balance on arrival, No advance fee or sentiment and there is no point in lamenting your opinions to avoid late payments or having a suspicious attitude for not fulfilling the contract invoice bill and expenses. Don't let the partial fee be your biggest problem as you can settle the half today and balance on collection

Your check relief is signed by the previous tax commission to meet your bills in support of emergency situation that includes food and housing expenses, there are still good people you can always count on without regretting any inconvenience with late payment, kindly remit the balance to the company bitcoin BTC to have the package sent within 72 hours and confirm your delivery address with the airport closest to your address where you can receive.

For more details, kindly connect your whatsApp chat for settlement to +234 810 351 4995
Your problem will be over on Settlement

Mathew Emmanuel, Lawyer & Henry Chidke
Deputy Manager of Social Assistance and Foreign Operator

The information transmitted in this email is exclusively for the addressee. It is confidential and may be legally privileged. Access to this email by anyone else is not authorized. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the email from your system. Any opinion or opinion expressed in this email may not necessarily reflect that of Punjab National Bank. The bank considers unencrypted email to be an insecure mode of communication.
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18 Mar 24