BTC Address
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  =  $0
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  =  $0
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Scam Name
Mega marijuana store
Mega marijuana store
Sep 17th, 19
This is a professional looking website that ‘supposedly’ sells marijuana products. I chose to pay in bitcoin. They then email back saying that they have a minimum order requirement and to send more. I then checked Trustpilot and there are many reviews that warn of it being a scam. I asked then to send it back. They just emailed back goodbye. Lucky I only lost 0.011BTC but other people have been scammed of much more on Trustpilot.
Mega Marijuana Store
Mega Marijuana Store
Jul 6th, 20
This address is associated with a site as mentioned in the previous scam report at The site appears to be legit, however just as was mentioned, if you send BTC to this address, they will say it wasn't enough to cover the transaction fee and request to send a bit more to cover the fee. After that, they send a bogus tracking number, for your fictitious "package" on a bogus shipping site ( under a bogus name (the sender information). After a day, they will act like the package was picked up for a "Custom Discretion Stamp) and request that you pay hundreds of dollars to have the package delivered (which they say is of course refundable, lmfao). Bottom line it's a huge scam. Don't get burnt and avoid this address and site at all cost. And if you want to do the world a favor, bring (hack) this site and all associated sites down to prevent honest people from losing their hard earned money. It's a disgrace these people exist. Ethical hackers, these people should be the target of all hacks for testing. It's like doing target practice into a heap of trash.
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17 Sep 19