BTC Address
# Website Appearances
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  =  $0
Total Received
  =  $0
# Transactions
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Scam Name
BTC ONE telegram miner
BTC ONE telegram miner
Apr 22nd, 19
This is clearly a scam. No positive feedbacks or anything, Checking wallet, deposits are removed after being deposited. I did not send any money however i can tell you my experience.
It's supposed to be fully automatic miner, however you have to check in bot every 24 hours or you get unactivated. Next when you want to withdraw it says minimum 0.005 BTC, which takes a little over a week checking in daily. When you reach that amount, it says you need to reffer at least 10 people. Thats where it already became suspicious. I then found a cheap virtual number provider to make 8 refferals to check the system, i already had 2 refferals from before. Luckly it took me only something like 0.4 - 0.5$. After that when i tryed withdrawing it wrote system has detected 2 or more free accounts on my IP. I know its not the right way to reffer yourself but hey without instructions in first place for minimum withdrawal and 10 refferals that thing seemed very suspicous to me.. Well too many red flags. They want you to /upgrade then which costs minimum 0.0025 BTC and is supposed to be without limitations.. I've come across various scams in crypto, so this is most likely one too..