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It happened on November 8th, 2022, Hasnat asked me to burrow £1300 and I asked him what it was for. He told me that for Educational purposes and he rushed to me to do that by telling me that it was important and he did promise to pay me back £1300. Then he gave me his friend`s phone number to me. His friend`s name is Amina. He told me to contact her, and then she told me to send £1300 to his Bitcoin wallet account and I did that. She claimed that £1300 didn`t go to his account and wanted me to do it again, but I told her that the transaction was still pending. She asked me to send £440 to Hasnat's Bitcoin account again, then I did that. Later, Hasnat has texted me that he was blackmailed by Amina into giving £480 into her Bitcoin account and He didn`t receive £1300 and £440 from me. He told me that Amina is a scammer and she scammed me us so badly into losing our money. Also, She has tricked me into transferring my money to her Bitcoin wallet account. We were mad at her. Hasnat apologized for lying to me and getting into that situation. Then he told me the truth that it was for trading purposes. Also, he told me that she was using him and made him go into trading purposes for Bitcoin trading cryptocurrency. At least, I still have her phone number, which is 07741068583 and her Bitcoin Address is bc1q66wsna7msvw8mmawvr6gr3uwn33mu70gyc8zn0. Please help me. I want my £1740 back and Hasnat wants his £480 back. I was blinded by trusting Hasnat and Amina, because Hasnat was my secondary school friend and Amina was Hasnat`s friend. I have reflected on what have I done, and I want to break a friendship with Hasnat after everything is sorted out, because not only Amina has scammed us, also Hasnat got me Scammed and he got himself scammed.
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4 Sep 23