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Scam Name
selling prescription drugs
selling prescription drugs
Jan 3rd, 22
Wickr handle I.D. Hightrip80 offered me Adderall from a space on quora. He has multiple spaces on quora, each referring people to contact Hightrip80 on wickr for each product he offered. All drugs. My prescription is for Adderall. He gave me a price, to be paid in bitcoin. I'd never used bitcoin before so I set up my bitcoin account and he gave me his address, 34vCcsXuNiQUtic5AjGpVWxSiQCSL6QZRE. I sent the U.S. funds to his bitcoin address. I gave him my name and address.....naively.
He sent me the shipping company's name, emerexpost, and a tracking number. Emerexpost emailed me they were transporting my package to Ottawa from Hightrip80s office in Denver Colorado on Dec. 30. Dec. 31 Emerexpost emailed demanding $150 U.S.D. for a "city permit" that allowed the packed to bypass customs inspection.....
I sent Hightrip80 $75 U.S.D. Told him it was a crappy deal, but he said got to do it or customs would open the package.
And that was the last I heard from anyone. Ghosted me. My first and last time I get scammed. Found one of his quora spaces. A guy named Alan M. Stevens is listed as admin
He has numerous spaces on quora that discuss drugs and hightrip80, and another contact at a Photon email address
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3 Jan 22