BTC Address
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  =  $0
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  =  $0
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Hacker stole btc?
Jan 13th, 23
Jan 14th, 23

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Trust wallet has weak security, I transferred $1300 from coinbase to trust wallet on December 3rd, and as soon as the money was in the wallet, I wrote the 12 words security on a piece of paper, deleted the 12 words and deleted the app. my purse was not on any digital platfom, on January 12th, I downloaded the trust wallet back to my iPhone to find out all the assets were gone; how is it this eve possible? There is more chances that I will be able to predict the lottery numbers every day for 365 days then someone breaking into a wallet that is nowhere on the internet...unless it is an inside job by someone at Trustwallet. They were squickck to get rid of me,, clamming they are unable to reverse trunsuctions even if I provided them with a clear crime evidenc it is like seeing a murderer but doing Nothing about it so this person can murdere more. t's like saying it is an open season, and you can do it too because is decentralize and not regulateded. They ask us to put money in their platforms app then give you 12 words; then the wallet is not on the internet, pc or mobile device nor any social media, yet someone manage to steal the assets? really? I will recover my $1300 by all means necessary. Still, right now I am on the right side of the law for now. I am an old disabled person and I have all the time in the world,will expose them all.
Trust wallet has weak security, I transferred $1300 from coinbase to trust wallet on December 3rd, and as soon as the money was in the wallet, I wrote the 12 words security on a piece of paper, deleted the 12 words and deleted the app. my purse was not on any digital platfom, on January 12th, I downloaded the trust wallet back to my iPhone to find out all the assets were gone; how is it this eve possible? There is more chances that I will be able to predict the lottery numbers every day for 365 days then someone breaking into a wallet that is nowhere on the internet...unless it is an inside job by someone at Trustwallet. They were squickck to get rid of me,, clamming they are unable to reverse trunsuctions even if I provided them with a clear crime evidenc it is like seeing a murderer but doing Nothing about it so this person can murdere more. t's like saying it is an open season, and you can do it too because is decentralize and not regulateded. They ask us to put money in their platforms app then give you 12 words; then the wallet is not on the internet, pc or mobile device nor any social media, yet someone manage to steal the assets? really? I will recover my $1300 by all means necessary. Still, right now I am on the right side of the law for now. I am an old disabled person and I have all the time in the world,will expose them all.
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13 Jan 23