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May 24th, 21
I got a message from someone on telegram saying i have 0.5 BTC that i am giving away but told me i need to make an account at to be able to send me the funds cause he cant send it to any other wallet i said thank you so much and did everything and received the 0.5 BTC after that i tried to withdraw the BTC but i couldn't it said you need to deposit 0.02 BTC to verify the account and do KYC and i did all that but when i deposited the money i deposited 0.0205 BTC instead of 0.02 BTC and then i tried to withdraw again didn't work so i texted there support they said you need exactly 0.02 BTC i started to loose it because i couldn't believe 0.0005 BTC only like i deposited more but i said okay and redeposited another 0.02 BTC after i did that i couldn't withdraw again same thing so i went back to support and asked him/her he/she said try again please i kept trying didn't work he/she than went to (Term of use) and sent me this (Terms 12.3 says Either Users, term of registration was less, than 1 month, who received their funds from another account with internal transaction more 0.3btc (or an equivalent amount in other currencies) need to activate premium status to gain access to trade and withdraw funds) so i went to check on this and the actual term of use doesn't have the withdraw funds at the end and i took a screenshot incase they change it and then i went to the support again and told him/her that it doesn't include withdraw funds he/she replied back with the same term of use i said okay how can i become vip the support said (Premium account costs 0,045 BTC for 1 month and 0,11BTC for half-year
This need to remove limits
Which one do you choose and do you need to activate it now?
Do not worry . You can withdraw money for activation premium too. We will take only fees 1%
So you can withdraw nearly all amount for premium too.)
I said, fine activate the 1 month, which is 0.045 BTC from my balance in my wallet cause I have 0.5395 BTC. The support said no only from the deposit and that's when I went crazy and knew they took my money
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24 May 21