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  =  $0
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  =  $0
# Transactions
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Scam Name
I was SCAMMED (click + to read more). I recovered my money by filing a report using the link >
Sep 27th, 23
Scammer friended me on Instagram. About 2 days in, he began romanticizing me and claiming love and that he wanted to meet in person. Scammer claimed he was a Marine deployed in Syria so he couldn't call me or he'd get in trouble with his superior so it was always just chatting. He even sent me pictures of "himself" dressed in his uniform. About a month in, he claimed in 2 weeks they were going to be done with the mission and they were asked to have their personal belongings packed and shipped home. Since the scammer claimed he was going to fly straight home to me, he wanted to have his box shipped to my address. I knew something was off when I received an email that I needed to pay $4550 in USD for shipping or the parcel would be turned over to Customs. As of course I don't have that type of money, this scammer was trying to convince me he loved me and that if I helped him pay it, he would pay me back as soon as he got to me. I began doing research online for the name that this scammer claimed to be and came up empty handed. On one of the pictures that this scammer sent me,I remember seeing the last name of the soldier on the uniform, so I did a search by the last name, and typed in United States Marine and that's where I discovered that the scammer was claiming to be this actual marine who I found online. I took a screenshot of everything that I had discovered and sent it to this scammer letting him know that I had discovered he was a fake and after that he blocked me from everything.

I eventually discovered that this wallet was related to a ā€œ romance ā€œ scam which was already on a blacklisted watchlist by the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) with ongoing investigations.

So, I filed an additional cryptocurrency investigative report by using this link: ( Just copy the text in the bracket and paste it into your Google search tab, fill the required details and submit if you have similar issues. Iā€™m very glad I got my money back after few days.

Beware of this wallet!
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27 Sep 23