How successful has the bitcoin sextortion email campaign been?
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List of Top 50 Most Frequently Reported Sextortion Email Bitcoin Addresses
Bitcoin Address | # Reports | Total Rec. |
1JTtwbvmM7ymByxPYCByVYCwasjH49J3Vj | 69 | 5.103764 |
1EZS92K4xJbymDLwG4F7PNF5idPE62e9XY | 65 | 3.620486 |
15ZHnf1MPn6ybb8yUeAoCQ1AJtiKhg3NrP | 40 | 2.986195 |
1GR7rJfntdcbfhKT1s33RDby4z5ex1ou4Z | 34 | 2.029698 |
1GXazHVQUdJEtpe62UFozFibPa8ToDoUn3 | 34 | 2.094883 |
1FgfdebSqbXRciP2DXKJyqPSffX3Sx57RF | 32 | 4.59627 |
14bXUoPwruptLamUfKTuMW39Qy1q4ohX9w | 30 | 1.95618 |
13cyEdT7kyH2f4j9xchvDGhv1o64MYNLUS | 29 | 1.729329 |
1HQ7wGdA5G9qUtM8jyDt5obDv1x3vEvjCy | 29 | 3.589956 |
1PL9ewB1y3iC7EyuePDoPxJjwC4CgAvWTo | 29 | 2.554139 |
1Bt4psBJmjfVTcW6eYiJZ6HEbpFgKkBSX4 | 27 | 1.768818 |
1BzkoGfrLtL59ZGjhKfvBwy47DEb6oba5f | 25 | 2.333494 |
1H9bS7Zb6LEANLkM8yiF8EsoGEtMEeLFvC | 25 | 5.300239 |
1HqUfvPooEY3fQPsuM4dRzq5uzTQjDoYpt | 24 | 1.293091 |
1MN7A7QqQaAVoxV4zdjdrnEHXmjhzcQ4Bq | 24 | 1.616511 |
17XHRucfd4kx3W5ty7ySLGiKHqmPUUdpus | 23 | 1.328595 |
18YDAf11psBJSavARQCwysE7E89zSEMfGG | 23 | 1.054268 |
1DVU5Q2HQ4srFNSSaWBrVNMtL4pvBkfP5w | 23 | 1.700544 |
1LwibmKAKu4kt4SvRLYdUP3aW7vL3Y78zL | 23 | 1.917556 |
1PuYAe7BLxNE6F6zE2PeVthfXCeYH88PmQ | 23 | 2.555182 |
12ziVv4aQkZTA1gj86Y9uYQByG4CcdVcTA | 22 | 1.484536 |
1BncH5WxBSYJ6mmcJC9bCRxQ6Z1evvtRxk | 22 | 1.394207 |
1NXNt72qfMhPZDffUEqryCYpEUzyR6LmgH | 21 | 1.931748 |
1YnYAxprVrTo1WzPPzMo86ste5Ssp4xsy | 21 | 0.746122 |
1GdegtNpYcvoCPsMmyiSkZARDdAmYuXGXU | 20 | 1.12032 |
1PwENLsmQ2Z6b4EJfXDeeXKBj9v878uHRf | 20 | 1.402004 |
1FF2wjexfHHiiuWwaA6dSEeA4WzAb4ezjU | 19 | 0.990119 |
1PcFYw7PQKUnj6RxqVwZ4TFuwWUPTyECKQ | 19 | 2.053624 |
14VbGhtysr6wrNs7EhdKiS2NoMmMDBM8cn | 18 | 0.630783 |
182PJESsEWbuJ8PEgfM58p64jbok3i1gNU | 18 | 4.723927 |
19qL8vdRtk5xJcGNVk3WruuSyitVfSAy7f | 18 | 1.423029 |
1FHPbKHcSx9CaXJzDpLoXG733ipQ77UNx9 | 17 | 0.50824 |
1DzM9y4fRgWqpZZCsvf5Rx4HupbE5Q5r4y | 16 | 1.513578 |
1HkKgPbcMyfhrdPsbufTFczzVnhyT5snB3 | 16 | 1.130829 |
17vzpL7n29egdeJF1hvUE4tKV81MqsW4wF | 15 | 1.578436 |
19kXyFbvetft819v4QV5g9vzrjwNqRtvgA | 14 | 0.303089 |
1CMQMKmvT4hz2k2ijyxVxN7fHS62K7uQ7z | 14 | 1.188236 |
135qVXXBZb3v2tQcLJRA8UAndiUYNybh3J | 13 | 0.913665 |
1B1Vov1LTLGLcVG3ycPQhQLe81V67FZpMZ | 13 | 1.943423 |
1Lughwk11SAsz54wZJ3bpGbNqGfVanMWzk | 13 | 0.542429 |
1Bu2NDQScVQwixvhf4z4xbZQVNFWuXokSJ | 12 | 0.894224 |
1LZQGS99RUCvQvT5Qce7LkrWtMtcXPSdWZ | 12 | 0.888035 |
13DAd45ARMJW6th1cBuY1FwB9beVSzW77R | 11 | 0.922697 |
1GYNGZLEUGkkQjHo19dHDnGE87WsAiGLLB | 11 | 0.93095 |
1MAM6oPcycTrfiLPS9tjtAR8t6KDmL91fr | 11 | 1.083735 |
1MbdGY1LVr6gEjyN3Rok5HQDQcjWbYmLds | 11 | 0.497251 |
1QHEbZG8NQT6vYCC8pyHvteNcmJ78B3ak3 | 11 | 1.328918 |
19D67Tgb3neJiTHd8pZDEBYmUn2qSjxEeB | 10 | 0.680201 |
1F5csJmyf3yJs5s25tZmYKoFXznR452er9 | 10 | 0.791807 |
1HjeDCAaEdd5JRDPHVgmLsCC7DsyHhYwM1 | 10 | 3.147905 |
1LuiqwsE5HF9T2mkS8EN3TLkJRFdbzrR8k | 10 | 1.467617 |
1N2XZZDW5ofnyok6HawSaqzjBVFH5LNr74 | 10 | 1.698187 |
How many times have you received the bitcoin sextortion email?
Example Sextortion Email Text
SUBJECT: Re: Security Alert. You account has been hacked. Password must be need changed. (your password:bitcoinwhoswho)
Dear user of!
I am a spyware software developer.
Your account has been hacked by me in the summer of 2018.
I understand that it is hard to believe, but here is my evidence:
– I sent you this email from your account.
– Password from account bitcoinwhoswho (on moment of hack).
The hacking was carried out using a hardware vulnerability through which you went online (Cisco router, vulnerability CVE-2018-0296).
I went around the security system in the router, installed an exploit there.
When you went online, my exploit downloaded my malicious code (rootkit) to your device.
This is driver software, I constantly updated it, so your antivirus is silent all time.
Since then I have been following you (I can connect to your device via the VNC protocol).
That is, I can see absolutely everything that you do, view and download your files and any data to yourself.
I also have access to the camera on your device, and I periodically take photos and videos with you.
At the moment, I have harvested a solid dirt… on you…
I saved all your email and chats from your messangers. I also saved the entire history of the sites you visit.
I note that it is useless to change the passwords. My malware update passwords from your accounts every times.
I know what you like hard funs (adult sites).
Oh, yes .. I’m know your secret life, which you are hiding from everyone.
Oh my God, what are your like… I saw THIS … Oh, you dirty naughty person … 🙂
I took photos and videos of your most passionate funs with adult content, and synchronized them in real time with the image of your camera.
Believe it turned out very high quality!
So, to the business!
I’m sure you don’t want to show these files and visiting history to all your contacts.
Transfer $848 to my Bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet: 1GXazHVQUdJEtpe62UFozFibPa8ToDoUn3
Just copy and paste the wallet number when transferring.
If you do not know how to do this – ask Google.
My system automatically recognizes the translation.
As soon as the specified amount is received, all your data will be destroyed from my server, and the rootkit will be automatically removed from your system.
Do not worry, I really will delete everything, since I am ‘working’ with many people who have fallen into your position.
You will only have to inform your provider about the vulnerabilities in the router so that other hackers will not use it.
Since opening this letter you have 48 hours.
If funds not will be received, after the specified time has elapsed, the disk of your device will be formatted,
and from my server will automatically send email and sms to all your contacts with compromising material.
I advise you to remain prudent and not engage in nonsense (all files on my server).
Good luck!
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Bitcoin address:
so obviously fraudulent…why would I send money to someone threatening me for no reason thru a business email address. If this continues I will be reporting to local authorities.
Received yesterday, email was with a similar wording. BTC account:
This chump is a sextortionist
Here is another one …
Got this one from a friend today…
Hello friends I am in problem I trouble in bank debit I pick a loan from Bank for my business I give my home documents I lost in business now bank send me notice to leave home plz out me this trouble i am a family man where we go donate some btc me for rent a home or give back loan to bank my btc address
Got one from Reyna Madden
generic sextortion with no password/phone number
Another one.
know, hockey101, is your password.
I require your full attention for the up coming Twenty-four hrs, or I will make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your life.
Hello there, you do not know me personally. However I know a lot of things concerning you. Your fb contact list, smartphone contacts along with all the virtual activity in your computer from past 171 days.
Including, your self pleasure video footage, which brings me to the main motive why I am composing this specific e-mail to you.
Well the previous time you went to the adult material web sites, my spyware was activated inside your personal computer which ended up saving a eye-catching video of your masturbation act simply by activating your web camera.
(you got a exceptionally odd taste btw haha)
I own the complete recording. Just in case you think I ‘m messing around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 6 people you’re friends with.
It might be your friend, co workers, boss, mother and father (I’m not sure! My software program will randomly pick the contact details).
Will you be capable to look into anyone’s eyes again after it? I question it...
But, it doesn’t need to be that way.
I would like to make you a 1 time, non negotiable offer.
Get USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the listed below address:
[CASE sensitive, copy & paste it, and remove * from it]
(If you do not understand how, lookup how to acquire bitcoin. Do not waste my precious time)
If you send out this ‘donation’ (why don’t we call this that?). Right after that, I will disappear for good . and under no circumstances make contact with you again. I will eliminate everything I’ve got concerning you. You may carry on living your normal day to day life with zero fear.
You have 1 day to do so. Your time will start as quickly you go through this email. I have an one of a kind program code that will notify me once you see this e mail so do not attempt to play smart.
Another sextortion one via text: