The first report of a Central Intelligence Agency officer sending ransom emails demanding bitcoin in exchange for concealing evidence of child porn was received March 16. Since then dozens of similar reports have come in, each demanding $10K USD payment to a different multi-sig address. As of this posting none of the reported addresses have received ransom payments.
Sample Text of CIA Bitcoin Ransom Email
Case #45897126
Distribution and storage of pornographic electronic materials involving underage children.
My name is Sharyn Townsend and I am a technical collection officer working for Central Intelligence Agency.
It has come to my attention that your personal details including your email address (info@*.com) are listed in case #45897126.
The following details are listed in the document’s attachment:
Your personal details,
Home address,
Work address,
List of relatives and their contact information.
Case #45897126 is part of a large international operation set to arrest more than 2000 individuals suspected of paedophilia in 27 countries.
The data which could be used to acquire your personal information:
Your ISP web browsing history,
DNS queries history and connection logs,
Deep web .onion browsing and/or connection sharing,
Online chat-room logs,
Social media activity log.
The first arrests are scheduled for April 8, 2019.
Why am I contacting you ?
I read the documentation and I know you are a wealthy person who may be concerned about reputation.
I am one of several people who have access to those documents and I have enough security clearance to amend and remove your details from this case. Here is my proposition.
Transfer exactly $10,000 USD (ten thousand dollars – about 2.5 BTC) through Bitcoin network to this special bitcoin address:
You can transfer funds with online bitcoin exchanges such as Coinbase, Bitstamp or Coinmama. The deadline is March 27, 2019 (I need few days to access and edit the files).
Upon confirming your transfer I will take care of all the files linked to you and you can rest assured no one will bother you.
Please do not contact me. I will contact you and confirm only when I see the valid transfer.
Sharyn Townsend
Technical Collection Officer
Directorate of Science and Technology
Central Intelligence Agency
Reported CIA Pedophilia Bitcoin Ransom Addresses
3PsT9g1YDmDeCRkWwLfkB14We3nDE4pQJ7 |
3NhfcYiL67ZDf2xMcUCdvPbwmx7f3uWrDK |
3LxdEf73kpVfy5KmX8rcjsrj8mfr4NnEBe |
3KoDy4QM2dEXFEV9B4fH4an45cFvjXhJ2o |
3JyzZZDiaHfx5Rmjivzrijw3YLwJyPW3qK |
3JxRb6F5EwTf5QYJcWhm9BKcZmnBKY8AKq |
3JqNyp5kGThnekmpgQfFHfwXqQTTRozwQG |
3JAMovFR963eFrtxszsRav6GgHuhELii7E |
3J3HXMhNk8SnbA4BBKNy2UsLCmkPdo7sES |
3HspZ4ggnnB7h1XKrgonFpsPdPNC63R9SW |
3GbWpiSs5bDsYvymBCXYdUyxHtysQ7uFk5 |
3G2fB9ZYgfAhSmyuNqbuZaHYS13BcK1A2h |
3FWRomqLFMxkoDUBZn2sAbxnpTBjQJS5J7 |
3Fffmwizj6xTczV3PgvQHoubTxZm3G7sPB |
3F3pqJXWp14HyT2RuAkXcJSeUutygcny8a |
3EJ9KZAstm3idr8yc1kJ37v8n7ddjHztH1 |
3E7sn5hpr1LenBEHBfpNcTGcsxEDBvXzxB |
3Dr6RWsRAarhYctfHECWHWmZUtwUHR1B1e |
3DDMoAs4LoEqy9zTE1RQcQR3JoqmSP4Znk |
3ArQBCwCmo5pWDEDLMX6AZG8eoocTr8Xzd |
395eJMkQmXdsVA3jq8ryhmS66qDjTjp9Ej |
35SLGBJ9Q4SGWkPGszgVTRkEaKNuxz1cts |
33yHo72rLgeYFUWAVw994CKZ1MV6KJphNY |
321ncZ3oy5EKqFVFgTkuPmk2V4ijzMKrGz |
31swh9JtJRYZCXmSofRNsW5L4k7j9aYrEn |
Only the bitcoin community can police and deter future frauds by reporting scam addresses to Just lookup the bitcoin address and select “Report Scam”.

All scam reports are accessible by keyword search on our website or from our “Blacklisted Bitcoin Address” API.
The safest place to buy bitcoins is
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Source Entity
1 31swh9JtJRYZCXmSofRNsW5L4k7j9aYrEn
2 32VsS6uSr8Xx7SPMptDRKUexWpZFmLcDRx
3 33H78cmp7hi8X8pp4Z7bYNJQxAjRXVbNhn
5 35mmTS61KfwobB2zhoZFGFpjJ8BgDRqMui
6 37aet9CFoiZuWce28kVm7YKnwbhcD4qCCD
8 39BXj6HzMfYh3ZtLvYX5igxyjouqW4ApvM
9 3AiFhFqKR2J6n3sw6ATcB7FeckiA5852rp
11 3F6oqqh9TS3XsKfTyRkv2KwxayZSqkvYq6
12 3GbWpiSs5bDsYvymBCXYdUyxHtysQ7uFk5
13 3HspZ4ggnnB7h1XKrgonFpsPdPNC63R9SW
14 3J3HXMhNk8SnbA4BBKNy2UsLCmkPdo7sES
15 3JAMovFR963eFrtxszsRav6GgHuhELii7E
16 3JjRNtz1BvgZDbFj7bfFfe3Afiur5SLRs2
17 3JoV6VyMavsYFXkdtUdpmBvaDaEbuCjUH5
18 3JqNyp5kGThnekmpgQfFHfwXqQTTRozwQG
19 3JxRb6F5EwTf5QYJcWhm9BKcZmnBKY8AKq
20 3JyzZZDiaHfx5Rmjivzrijw3YLwJyPW3qK
21 3KoDy4QM2dEXFEV9B4fH4an45cFvjXhJ2o
22 3LxdEf73kpVfy5KmX8rcjsrj8mfr4NnEBe
23 3MfG5qEASyjxSUWp1yW3N5984LzWwC8TYu
24 3NhfcYiL67ZDf2xMcUCdvPbwmx7f3uWrDK
25 3PsT9g1YDmDeCRkWwLfkB14We3nDE4pQJ7
Today I recevie the same email, demanding bticoin amount of $10,000 USD as pasted below.
Make Transfer exactly $10,000 USD (ten thousand dollars – about 2.5 BTC) through Bitcoin network to this special bitcoin address:
You can transfer funds with online bitcoin exchanges such as Coinbase, Bitstamp or Coinmama. The deadline is March 27, 2019 (I need few days
to access and edit the files).
Upon confirming your transfer I will take care of all the files linked to you and you can rest assured no one will bother you.
Please do not contact me. I will contact you and confirm only when I see the valid transfer.
Technical Collection Officer
Directorate of Science and Technology
Central Intelligence Agency