The total received balance is 4,575 BTC as of 24 Feb 2018.
29,000 people reportedly scammed by promises of 14% weekly returns. Continue reading BTCGlobal 5000 BTC Ponzi Collapse Reported
The total received balance is 4,575 BTC as of 24 Feb 2018.
29,000 people reportedly scammed by promises of 14% weekly returns. Continue reading BTCGlobal 5000 BTC Ponzi Collapse Reported
We received multiple reports of a bitcoin scam run by “Austin Cain” on Facebook going dark this week. It sounds like a classic ponzi scheme exit.
This is one of the “Invest Coins with Austin” addresses 1FXNLk9BVUt7fCHuu8GQtSCukR4CiyYA6D with total received balance of 39.84 BTC. The Facebook group is no longer accessible. It appears the ponzi is over and Austin is on the run. One of our informants has reported him to the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN).
You can run but it’s hard to hide forever on the Bitcoin blockchain Austin.
These are some other of his scam addresses Continue reading The Austin Cain Facebook Scam