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Scam Name
investment scam
investment scam
May 18th, 21
firt i deposited 60 $ they told me to deposit 100euro to activate withdrawal bot they sad that once i made the deposit i will be able to withdraw
then they told me that they received 98 euro
so i deposited 120 euros
i was request wihdraw of 520$ because i had 183 dollars at all iwas invested 465$
they told me that i can't withdraw befor updating my acount
before i redeposit
i told with manager
he asked me that once i activate the bot i can withdraw my profits
i sad ifthere are no morefees
he told yes
i sad are you sure he sad yes sure sir
once i made the deposit
he send me email told me that i must make upgrade my acount with deposit of 500 $ in the third plan to be able to withdra 540
i sad that i cant and i investe because i need money
to par my mothers treatment
because she has cancer
he told me you muste to make deposit 250$
i had 63$ in my wallet because i invested all what i has
i has request 280$ to repay me back he told if you want to be remboursed
you must pat transaction fees of 40$
once i sended the 40$ he told me you must to send 40 remaining because fees i higher.
please can you help me i need the money to pat mom's tratment !
if you want i will give you my username and password to acces to my acount to verify that i was scammed
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18 May 21