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Scam Name
Rovert Downey jr
Rovert Downey jr
Mar 2nd, 21
Salve ho scoperto a mie soese che questo wallet è una truffa. Contata le persone dalla pagina facebbok dell’attore Robert Downey jr per chiedere soldi da dare in benedicenza. Ho scoperto tardi che é un truffatore. Per convincermi mi ha mandato la foto sel passaporto che poi ho scoperto essere falso. Fate cióche potere
Depending on which lie he decides to use, he either asks for money for an orphanage or for his divorce. If you are too suspicious, he shows you a photo of his passport, which is fake
He says to be Robert Downey jr, the actor. This scammer “works” on the actor's facebook page, commenting on the fans and inviting them to a private facebook chat.
He gaves the email :“” for chatting on Google’s Hangout.
If he see you hesitant shows a photo of a passport FALSE of RDJ
Ask for money to get a divorce or for an orphanage in difficulty.
Active scammer on the Facebook page of actor Robert Downey jr. He pretends to be him using photos taken from the page and fake ID documents. He asks for money for an orphanage which he refuses to name. If he does not convince you he asks you for money for a private plane ticket to visit you, which he cannot pay because he wants to get a divorce but his wife has blocked his account. He uses Google's Hangout or Messenger, if you try to call him or video call him he never answers.
Robert Downey jr the acroe
Robert Downey jr the acroe
Apr 2nd, 21
Active on the actor’s page but his not him!! Don’t belive it
Scammer active on the FB’s page of the real actor. Follow the fan’s comment pretending of being him
Comment on fan posts on Robert Downey jr's real page prrtend to be HIM but is only a scam!!!
He is not Robert Dowey jr, is a scammer
Ask for money pretend to be the famous actor Robert Downey jr
Robert Downey jr
Robert Downey jr
Apr 15th, 21
Scam active on the facebook page of the actor. He gives you the number +1 226 243 5570 for chatting on whatsapp. Ask money for his divorce. Don’t belive is not a New York number, is canadian!!!
Robert Downey
Robert Downey
Apr 24th, 21
Contact you via messenger
Robert Downey
Robert Downey
Apr 24th, 21
Fake email
First contact you via messenger
Scammer. Fake page active on the original facebook page of Robert Downey jr
Chat with robert downey jr
Chat with robert downey jr
Apr 26th, 21
Scammer. Fake page active on the real facebook page of the actor Robert Downey jr
Crook. Peddle a fake email from Robert Downey jr to chat on Google Hangout. There the fake actor asks for money
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2 Mar 21