Tag Archives: email scam

Have You Received A Threatening Email Asking For Bitcoin?

Don’t worry! In fact, congratulations, you are popular! Pretty much everyone has received a version of this bogus email threatening to expose risqué webcam footage of their mark to contacts. Be assured it is fake, even if it contains one of your online passwords!

These are some examples of the email:

Continue reading Have You Received A Threatening Email Asking For Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Porn Blackmail Scam Moved to Poloniex Wallet

When reports of this email scam first started appearing last September the perpetrators were discovered to be using a Matbea wallet. That appears to have changed. On May 30 every output transaction from hundreds of reported blackmail scam addresses went to a Poloniex wallet address.

These bitcoin addresses were reported as scams related to the porn blackmail email:


Each of them shows an output to 1E2J2DAFGToqmTxK5H8fG6V3Tp3xqSiAm4 on May 30, 2018.

A quick investigation shows 1E2J2DAFGToqmTxK5H8fG6V3Tp3xqSiAm4 is among the Poloniex wallet cluster.

[tweetshare tweet=”A Poloniex wallet address is being used to run the widespread porn blackmail scam”]

Continue reading Bitcoin Porn Blackmail Scam Moved to Poloniex Wallet

Don’t Be Fooled By Colnbase or MyEthenWallet Scams

We received two somewhat convincing phishing emails recently from colnbase.support and myethenwallet.com. Hilarious misspelling aside, it’s not so funny if one of these scams tricks you into entering your private information on the bogus websites they provide.

BitcoinWhosWho does not have any bitcoin addresses associated, please report if you know any! Continue reading Don’t Be Fooled By Colnbase or MyEthenWallet Scams

Blackmail Scam Run on Russian Wallet Matbea

BitcoinWhosWho.com started receiving reports of a mass email attempting to blackmail recipients out of bitcoin about a month ago. The hilariously worded text always closes with “sorry for misprints, I am foreign”. Rudimentary block exploring shows at least some of these scam addresses are being consolidated on the Russian wallet service Matbea.com. Continue reading Blackmail Scam Run on Russian Wallet Matbea