Tag Archives: matbea

Bitcoin Porn Blackmail Scam Moved to Poloniex Wallet

When reports of this email scam first started appearing last September the perpetrators were discovered to be using a Matbea wallet. That appears to have changed. On May 30 every output transaction from hundreds of reported blackmail scam addresses went to a Poloniex wallet address.

These bitcoin addresses were reported as scams related to the porn blackmail email:


Each of them shows an output to 1E2J2DAFGToqmTxK5H8fG6V3Tp3xqSiAm4 on May 30, 2018.

A quick investigation shows 1E2J2DAFGToqmTxK5H8fG6V3Tp3xqSiAm4 is among the Poloniex wallet cluster.

[tweetshare tweet=”A Poloniex wallet address is being used to run the widespread porn blackmail scam”]

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